My first year in the District was definitely a tumultuous one. I knew when I embarked on this journey I knew I was sacrificing a lot of things. You can itemize them. Take out a piece a paper and write down the things you would lose if you packed a 1996 Suburban and drove 3000 miles. Now, once you have that paper, just toss it. Its completely useless. There is a difference between itemizing your treasures (tangible or not) and actually living without them. Sure, I knew I wouldn't be able to hop on the 405 and go home whenever I wanted. But I have a cell phone, email and Skype! It's just a good, right? I learned that Facebook can make you feel like you are closer than you actually are, and spending your vacation time on your family isn't so bad, but when you hit hard patches, that distance feels twice as far. Lets continue...
July and August 2009 was when my life finally felt like it was gaining momentum. After almost nine months, I finally had a job that I was excited about AND... most importantly... what I was ACTUALLY missing this whole time...
All summer I had bumbled around the online dating world. Right when I was ready to give up and wait for "the one" to bump into me on the metro or some other equally ridiculous place, I received an email. For a variety of reasons, I almost didn't respond. But, as I am a highly curious individual, I threw caution to the wind and it was the best gamble I ever made. After a few months (or weeks rather) of dating, Daniel and I decided that we were it for each other.

After the December snow storm that dropped two feet in the middle of my move to Arlington, we were happy to trade our snow boots for sunny weather. My Midwest boy was excited to see Los Angeles for the first time, but I think he got more than he bargained for! After a surprise trip to the Rosebowl on January 1st, he was "initiated" into the family courtesy of Austin and Tyler Cripps. We attended my brother's wedding and Daniel had a little conversation with my parents...

On January 9th, 2010 at about 4:30 in the afternoon, Daniel surprised me on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. He dropped down on one knee and asked me to be his wife. I know its my story, so I am highly biased, but I think its the best love story I've ever heard.

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